Tuesday, March 24, 2015

On the Wobble Boards

We went to the vet yesterday - everyone got their first set of shots and microchips and all had a good check up with Dr. Sentell.  

Boy#4 with Dr. Sentell

Once we got home we tried out the new wobble boards...which were a huge hit with the puppies!  They make lots of noise and are just plain fun!

This little guy decided that he liked it so much he would take it, along with all of his other favorite toys into the crate while everyone else was fast asleep!  These have now become the new favorite toy!

Sharing is so overrated!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

We've been busy....very, very busy!

The puppies just turned 6 weeks on Saturday - and wow are they busy!  I'll be posting some photos over the next few days from during the week.  They have broken out 3 times so far...once while putting this post together!  Time to build a little bit better mouse trap!  They never go far...just around the corner :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Dogwood Hollow Puppy Playtime...Zero to 60 and back down again!

The girls came over to play wit the puppies again.  These photos were all taken over the course of about 30 minutes...they are all so excited to play, then you can just watch them one by one, begin to drop off for a nap again!

Fun with friends!!

Me, me, me!!!

You taste yummy!

I think I need a nap now....

I'm getting very sleepy...

That would be very very very sleepy.....

Poor little guy on the bottom left...just trying to sleep

trying to find the right spot

Is there room for me?

I still want to play just a little more!

I need to rest right here

Almost out...

Good night!