
GCH CH Dogwood Hollow A Little Bit of Heaven

Sire:  BIS BISS CH Jordean Believe It Or Not - "Ripley"
Dam:  BISS GCH CH Dogwood Hollow Little Surfer Girl

After an exhaustive amount of research and the recommendation of a well renowned Brittany breeder,  we decided to go to breeders Geri Clements, Gary Clements and Cheryl Mika at Dogwood Hollow Brittanys for what would become our first show dog.  Even as a puppy, she had a beautiful face and personality plus.  She is now a unique combination of beauty and elegance, style and flash, and a personality that demands attention when she enters the ring.  Her look is reminiscent of the Jordean line. She has a wide open side gait and moves around the ring with great style.  Much like her sire Ripley, she is tireless in her work ethic.

She spent two years as a special with a very light show schedule both years.  On the lead of breeder Cheryl Mika, myself, Aaron Wilkerson and Janice Granda she accomplished quite a bit.  She has been recognized with an Award of Merit at the American Brittany Club 2012 National Specialty, as Best of Opposite Sex at the American Brittany Club Summer Specialty in 2013.  She has been invited twice to the American Brittany Club Top 20 Event and finished her show career in 2013 as the No. 20 All Breed Brittany in the country with multiple Group placements.  She was ranked the #4 Brittany female in Breed Points and the #3 Brittany female in All Breed points for 2013, just a few places behind her Dam, Gidget, who took the #1 Brittany female spot for the year!

Upon retiring from the ring at the end of 2013, she took a quick weekend at the Hunt Test for two qualifying scores and has started back up in agility to keep her busy!  She is a devoted companion, full of confidence, energy and meet her once and you never forget her!

Becoming a Champion - November 2011  Handled by breeder Cheryl Mika

A dream come true at the Westminster Kennel Club

Award of Merit ABC National Specialty 2012  Handled by breeder Cheryl Mika

Best of Opposite Sex at the American Brittany Club Summer Specialty 2013  in a very large field.  Handled by breeder Cheryl Mika

Being Biddy - Age 4

Standing tall for the judges

Our girl
Photo courtesy of Kerrie Tatarka - Brown Dog Photography